Source code for zengine.middlewares

# -*-  coding: utf-8 -*-
Middlewares for request / response handling.
# Copyright (C) 2015 ZetaOps Inc.
# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3
# (GPLv3).  See LICENSE.txt for details.
import json
import falcon
import sys
from zengine.config import settings
from zengine.log import log

[docs]class CORS(object): """ Sets required headers to allow origins for the hosts listed in :attr:`~zengine.settings.ALLOWED_ORIGINS` Note: When :attr:`~zengine.settings.DEBUG` set to ``True`` all hosts are allowed """
[docs] def process_response(self, request, response, resource): """ Do response processing """ origin = request.get_header('Origin') if not settings.DEBUG: if origin in settings.ALLOWED_ORIGINS or not origin: response.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', origin) else: log.debug("CORS ERROR: %s not allowed, allowed hosts: %s" % (origin, settings.ALLOWED_ORIGINS)) raise falcon.HTTPForbidden("Denied", "Origin not in ALLOWED_ORIGINS: %s" % origin) # response.status = falcon.HTTP_403 else: response.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', origin or '*') response.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', "true") response.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type') # This could be overridden in the resource level response.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS')
[docs]class RequireJSON(object): """ Restrict only to JSON payloads. """
[docs] def process_request(self, req, resp): """ Do response processing """ if not req.client_accepts_json: raise falcon.HTTPNotAcceptable( 'This API only supports responses encoded as JSON.', href='') if req.method in ('POST', 'PUT'): if req.content_length != 0 and \ 'application/json' not in req.content_type and \ 'text/plain' not in req.content_type: raise falcon.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType( 'This API only supports requests encoded as JSON.', href='')
[docs]class JSONTranslator(object): """ Deserializes JSON payload into ``request.context['data']`` """
[docs] def process_request(self, req, resp): """ Do response processing """ # corresponds to the WSGI wsgi.input environ variable, # and allows you to read bytes from the request body. # # See also: PEP 3333 if req.content_length in (None, 0): # Nothing to do req.context['data'] = req.params.copy() req.context['result'] = {} return else: req.context['result'] = {} body = if not body: raise falcon.HTTPBadRequest('Empty request body', 'A valid JSON document is required.') try: json_data = body.decode('utf-8') req.context['data'] = json.loads(json_data) try:"REQUEST DATA: %s" % json_data) except: log.exception("ERR: REQUEST DATA CANT BE LOGGED ") except (ValueError, UnicodeDecodeError): raise falcon.HTTPError(falcon.HTTP_753, 'Malformed JSON', 'Could not decode the request body. The ' 'JSON was incorrect or not encoded as ' 'UTF-8.')
[docs] def process_response(self, req, resp, resource): """ Serializes ``req.context['result']`` to resp.body as JSON. If :attr:`~zengine.settings.DEBUG` is True, ``sys._debug_db_queries`` (set by pyoko) added to response. """ if 'result' not in req.context: return req.context['result']['is_login'] = 'user_id' in req.env['session'] if settings.DEBUG: req.context['result']['_debug_queries'] = sys._debug_db_queries sys._debug_db_queries = [] if resp.body is None and req.context['result']: resp.body = json.dumps(req.context['result']) try: log.debug("RESPONSE: %s" % resp.body) except: log.exception("ERR: RESPONSE CANT BE LOGGED ")