Source code for zengine.forms.model_form

# -*-  coding: utf-8 -*-
this module holds methods that responsible for form generation
both from models or standalone forms

# Copyright (C) 2015 ZetaOps Inc.
# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3
# (GPLv3).  See LICENSE.txt for details.
import os
from pyoko.lib.utils import un_camel_id
from .fields import *
import six
from pyoko.model import Model


[docs]class FormMeta(type): _meta = None def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs): if name == 'ModelForm': FormMeta._meta = attrs['Meta'] else: if 'Meta' not in attrs: attrs['Meta'] = type('Meta', (object,), dict(FormMeta._meta.__dict__)) else: for k, v in FormMeta._meta.__dict__.items(): if k not in attrs['Meta'].__dict__: setattr(attrs['Meta'], k, v) new_class = super(FormMeta, mcs).__new__(mcs, name, bases, attrs) return new_class
[docs]class ModelForm(object): """ Serializes / Deserializes pyoko models. """
[docs] class Meta: """ ModelForm Meta class holds config data that modifies the behaviour of form objects. Attributes: `~ModelForm.Meta.title` (str): Title text to be shown top of the form. `~ModelForm.Meta.help_text` (str): Help text to be shown under the title. `~ModelForm.Meta.customize_types` (dict): Override field types. A dict that maps fields names with desired field types. >>> customize_types={"user_password": "password"} `~ModelForm.Meta.include` ([]): List of field names to be included. If given, all other fields will be excluded. `~ModelForm.Meta.exclude` ([]): List of field names to be excluded. If given, all other fields will be included. `~ModelForm.Meta.constraints` (dict): Form constraints to be enforced by both client side and backend form processors. See `Ulakbus-UI API`_ docs for possible constraints. .. code-block:: python constraints = [ { 'cons': [{'id': 'field2_id', 'cond': 'exists'}], 'do': 'change_fields', 'fields': [{'field2_id': None}] }, { 'cons': [{'id': 'field2_id', 'cond': 'exists'}], 'do': 'change_fields', 'fields': [{'field1_id': None}] } ] .. _Ulakbus-UI API: """ customize_types = {} help_text = None title = None include = [] exclude = [] grouping = [] constraints = {} # if the intention is to fill the form from task_data, it must be passed False always_blank = True
[docs] def __init__(self, model=None, exclude=None, include=None, types=None, title=None, **kwargs): """ .. note:: *include* and *exclude* does not support fields that placed in nodes. Args: model: A pyoko model instance, may be empty exclude ([]): list of fields to be excluded from serialization include ([]): list of fields to be included into serialization types (dict): override type of fields """ self._model = model or self self._config = {'fields': True, 'nodes': True, 'models': True, 'list_nodes': True} self._config.update(kwargs) self.readable = False self._ordered_fields = [] self.exclude = exclude or self.Meta.exclude self.include = include or self.Meta.include self.non_data_fields = ['object_key'] self.customize_types = types or getattr(self.Meta, 'customize_types', {}) self.help_text = self.Meta.help_text or getattr(self._model.Meta, 'help_text', None) self.title = title or self.Meta.title or self._model.get_verbose_name()
[docs] def get_verbose_name(self): return getattr(self._model.Meta, 'verbose_name', self._model.__class__.__name__)
def _deserialize(self, data): """ Creates a model instance with given form data. Args: data (dict): Form data in key / value form. Returns: Un-saved model instance. """ # FIXME: investigate and integrate necessary security precautions on received data # ie: received keys should be defined in the form # compare with output of self._serialize() self.process_form() new_instance = self._model new_instance.key = self._model.key for key, val in data.items(): if key in self.non_data_fields: continue if key.endswith('_id') and val: # linked model name = key[:-3] linked_model = self._model.get_link(field=name)['mdl'] linked_model_instance = linked_model(self._model._context).objects.get(val) setattr(new_instance, name, linked_model_instance) elif (isinstance(val, (six.string_types, bool, int, float)) and key in new_instance._fields): # field setattr(new_instance, key, val) elif val and isinstance(new_instance.get_field(key), File): # File field _val = { 'name': val['file_name'], 'content': val['file_content'], } setattr(new_instance, key, _val) elif isinstance(val, dict): # Node node = getattr(new_instance, key) for k in val: setattr(node, k, val[k]) elif isinstance(val, list): # ListNode # get the listnode instance from model list_node = getattr(new_instance, key) # clear out it's existing content list_node.clear() # fill with form input for ln_item_data in val: kwargs = {} for k in ln_item_data: if k.endswith('_id'): # linked model in a ListNode name = k[:-3] kwargs[name] = getattr(list_node, name).__class__( self._model._context).objects.get(ln_item_data[k]) else: kwargs[k] = ln_item_data[k] list_node(**kwargs) return new_instance def _serialize(self, readable=False): """ Converts model/form data into a serialization ready dictionary format. Args: readable (bool): creates human readable output. *e.g.* Instead of raw values, uses get_field_name_display() when available. Returns: List of dicts. Example: .. code-block:: python In [1]: from zengine.forms.model_form import ModelForm In [2]: from zengine.models import User In [3]: user = User.objects.get(username='test_user') In [4]: ModelForm(user)._serialize() Out[4]: [{'choices': None, 'default': None, 'kwargs': {}, 'name': 'username', 'required': True, 'title': 'Username', 'type': 'string', 'value': 'test_user'}, {'choices': None, 'default': None, 'kwargs': {}, 'name': 'password', 'required': True, 'title': 'Password', 'type': 'string', 'value': '$pbkdf2-sha512$10000$nTMGwBjDWCslpA$iRDbnITH...'}, {'choices': None, 'default': False, 'kwargs': {}, 'name': 'superuser', 'required': False, 'title': 'Super user', 'type': 'boolean', 'value': True}] """ self.process_form() self.readable = readable result = [] if self._config['fields']: self._get_fields(result, self._model) if self._config['models']: self._get_models(result, self._model) if self is not self._model: # to allow additional fields try: self._get_fields(result, self) # If self._model is instance of Model and it has linked models self._get_models(result, self) except AttributeError: # TODO: all "forms" of world, unite! pass if self._config['nodes'] or self._config['list_nodes']: self._get_nodes(result) return result def _filter_out(self, name): """ returns true if given name should be filtered out from serialization. :param name: field, node or model name. :return: """ # if self._model is form # if self._model is Model and model or model class does not have `name` attribute # then skip include/exclude checking if not any([isinstance(self._model, Model), getattr(self._model.__class__, name, False), getattr(self._model, name, False)] ): return False if self.exclude and name in self.exclude: return True if self.include and name not in self.include and name not in dict(self._ordered_fields): return True def _get_nodes(self, result): for node_name in self._model._nodes: if self._filter_out(node_name): continue instance_node = getattr(self._model, node_name) node_type = instance_node.__class__.__base__.__name__ node_data = None if (instance_node._is_auto_created or (node_type == 'Node' and not self._config['nodes']) or (node_type == 'ListNode' and not self._config['list_nodes'])): continue if node_type == 'Node': schema = self._node_schema(instance_node, node_name) if self._model.is_in_db(): node_data = self._node_data([instance_node], node_name) else: # ListNode # to get schema of empty listnode we need to create an instance of it if len(instance_node) == 0: instance_node() else: node_data = self._node_data(instance_node, node_name) schema = self._node_schema(instance_node[0], node_name) result.append({'name': node_name, 'type': node_type, 'title': instance_node.get_verbose_name(), 'schema': schema, 'value': node_data if not node_data or node_type == 'ListNode' else node_data[0], 'required': None, 'default': None, }) def _get_models(self, result, model_obj): for lnk in model_obj.get_links(is_set=False): if self._filter_out(lnk['field']): continue model = lnk['mdl'] model_instance = getattr(model_obj, lnk['field']) result.append({'name': un_camel_id(lnk['field']), 'model_name': model.__name__, 'type': 'model', 'title': model_instance.get_verbose_name(), 'value': model_instance.key, 'content': (self.__class__(model_instance, models=False, list_nodes=False, nodes=False)._serialize() if model_obj.is_in_db() else None), 'required': None, 'default': None, }) def _serialize_value(self, val): if isinstance(val, datetime.datetime): return val.strftime(DATE_TIME_FORMAT) elif isinstance(val, return val.strftime(DATE_FORMAT) elif isinstance(val, BaseField): return None else: return val def _get_fields(self, result, model_obj): for name, field in model_obj._ordered_fields: if not isinstance(field, Button) and ( name in ['deleted', 'timestamp', 'deleted_at', 'updated_at' ] or self._filter_out(name)): continue if self.readable: val = model_obj.get_humane_value(name) else: val = self._serialize_value(getattr(model_obj, name)) item = {'name': name, 'type': self.customize_types.get(name, field.solr_type), 'value': val, 'required': (False if BYPASS_REQUIRED_FIELDS or field.solr_type is 'boolean' else field.required), 'choices': getattr(field, 'choices', None), 'kwargs': field.kwargs, 'title': field.title, 'default': field.default() if callable( field.default) else field.default, 'help_text': field.help_text, } if isinstance(field, (Date, DateTime)): item['format'] = field.format result.append(item) def _node_schema(self, node, parent_name): result = [] # node_data = {'models': [], 'fields': []} for lnk in node.get_links(): model_instance = getattr(node, lnk['field']) result.append({'name': un_camel_id(lnk['field']), 'model_name': model_instance.__class__.__name__, 'type': 'model', 'title': model_instance.Meta.verbose_name, 'required': None, 'help_text': model_instance.help_text}) for name, field in node._ordered_fields: if field.kwargs.get('hidden'): continue choices = getattr(field, 'choices', None) typ = 'select' if choices else self.customize_types.get(name, field.solr_type) data = { 'name': name, 'type': typ, 'title': field.title, 'required': field.required, 'default': field.default() if callable(field.default) else field.default, 'help_text': field.help_text, } if choices: data['titleMap'] = self.get_choices(choices) result.append(data) return result @lazy_property def catalog_data_manager(self): return get_object_from_path(settings.CATALOG_DATA_MANAGER) _choices_cache = {} @classmethod
[docs] def convert_choices(cls, chc): _id = id(chc) cls._choices_cache[_id] = [{'name': name, 'value': value} for value, name in chc] return cls._choices_cache[_id]
[docs] def get_choices(self, choices): if callable(choices): return choices() elif not isinstance(choices, (list, tuple)): return self.catalog_data_manager.get_all(choices) else: return self._choices_cache.get(id(choices), self.convert_choices(choices))
[docs] def process_form(self): pass
[docs] def set_choices_of(self, field, choices): """ Can be used to dynamically set/modify choices of fields. Args: field str: Name of field. choices tuple: (('name', 'value'), ('name2', 'value2'),...) """ self._fields[field].choices = choices
[docs] def set_default_of(self, field, default): """ Can be used to dynamically set/modify default of fields. Args: field str: Name of field. """ self._fields[field].default = default
def _node_data(self, nodes, parent_name): results = [] for real_node in nodes: result = {} # node_data = {'models': [], 'fields': []} for lnk in real_node.get_links(): model_instance = getattr(real_node, lnk['field']) result[un_camel_id(lnk['field'])] = {'key': model_instance.key, 'verbose_name': model_instance.get_verbose_name(), 'unicode': six.text_type(model_instance) } for name, field in real_node._fields.items(): result[name] = self._serialize_value(real_node._field_values.get(name)) results.append(result) return results