Source code for zengine.forms.json_form

# -*-  coding: utf-8 -*-
This module contains JsonForm class which extends ModelForm to achieve
three main goals:

- Allow custom forms.
- Allow attaching of additional fields and buttons to existing Forms.
- Implement JSON serialization compatible with `Ulakbus-UI API`_.

.. _Ulakbus-UI API:

# -
# Copyright (C) 2015 ZetaOps Inc.
# This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3
# (GPLv3).  See LICENSE.txt for details.
from uuid import uuid4
import six
from pyoko.model import Model
from pyoko.fields import BaseField
from zengine.forms.fields import Button
from zengine.lib.cache import Cache
from zengine.lib.exceptions import FormValidationError
from .model_form import ModelForm
from datetime import datetime

[docs]class FormCache(Cache): """ Caches various properties of serialized form to validate incoming form data Args: form_id: Unique form id """ PREFIX = 'FRMCACHE' SERIALIZE = True def __init__(self, form_id=None): if not form_id: form_id = uuid4().hex self.form_id = form_id super(FormCache, self).__init__(form_id)
[docs]class JsonForm(ModelForm): """ A base class for building customizable forms with pyoko fields and models. Has some fake methods and attributes to simulate model API .. code-block:: python from zengine.forms import fields, JsonForm class TestForm(JsonForm): class Meta: title = 'Form Title' help_text = "Form help text" code = fields.String("Code Field") no = fields.Integer('Part No', required=False) save = fields.Button("Save", cmd="save_it", flow="goto_finish") class SomeFoos(ListNode): foo = fields.String('Foo Field') hid = fields.String(hidden=True) """ # properties that will be directly transferred to serialized forms root META_TO_FORM_ROOT = ['inline_edit',] META_TO_FORM_META = ['translate_widget', 'allow_selection', 'allow_add_listnode', 'allow_actions'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.context = kwargs.get('current') # Fake method to emulate pyoko model API. self._nodes = {} self._fields = {} self._field_values = {} self.key = None self._data = {} self.exist = False self._ordered_fields = [] self.processed_nodes = [] super(JsonForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._prepare_nodes() self.process_form() def _get_bucket_name(self): """ Fake method to emulate pyoko model API. """ return ''
[docs] def get_unpermitted_fields(self): """ Fake method to emulate pyoko model API. """ return []
def _set_get_choice_display_method(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Fake method to emulate pyoko model API. """ pass
[docs] def get_humane_value(self, name): """ Fake method to emulate pyoko model API. """ return name
[docs] def is_in_db(self): """ Fake method to emulate pyoko model API. """ return False
def process_form(self): # if self._ordered_fields: # return self.non_data_fields = [] self._ordered_fields = [] _items = list(self.__class__.__dict__.items()) + list(self.__dict__.items()) for key, val in _items: if isinstance(val, BaseField): = key self._fields[key] = val if isinstance(val, (Button,)): self.non_data_fields.append(key) for v in sorted(self._fields.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]._order): self._ordered_fields.append((v[0], v[1])) def _prepare_nodes(self): _items = list(self.__class__.__dict__.items()) + list(self.__dict__.items()) for key, val in _items: if getattr(val, '_TYPE', '') in ['Node', 'ListNode']: self._nodes[key] = val(_root_node=self) setattr(self, key, val(_root_node=self))
[docs] def set_data(self, data): """ Fills form with data Args: data (dict): Data to assign form fields. Returns: Self. Form object. """ for name in self._fields: setattr(self, name, data.get(name)) return self
[docs] def serialize(self): """ Converts the form/model into JSON ready dicts/lists compatible with `Ulakbus-UI API`_. Example: .. code-block:: json { "forms": { "constraints": {}, "model": { "code": null, "name": null, "save_edit": null, }, "grouping": {}, "form": [ { "helpvalue": null, "type": "help" }, "name", "code", "save_edit" ], "schema": { "required": [ "name", "code", "save_edit" ], "type": "object", "properties": { "code": { "type": "string", "title": "Code Name" }, "name": { "type": "string", "title": "Name" }, "save_edit": { "cmd": "save::add_edit_form", "type": "button", "title": "Save" } }, "title": "Add Permission" } } } """ result = { "schema": { "title": self.title, "type": "object", "properties": {}, "required": [] }, "form": [ { "type": "help", "helpvalue": self.help_text } ], "model": {} } for itm in self.META_TO_FORM_ROOT: if itm in self.Meta.__dict__: result[itm] = self.Meta.__dict__[itm] if self._model.is_in_db(): result["model"]['object_key'] = self._model.key result["model"]['model_type'] = self._model.__class__.__name__ result["model"]['unicode'] = six.text_type(self._model) # if form intentionally marked as fillable from task data by assigning False to always_blank # field in Meta class, form_data is retrieved from task_data if exist in else None form_data = None if not self.Meta.always_blank: form_data = self.context.task_data.get(self.__class__.__name__, None) for itm in self._serialize(): item_props = {'type': itm['type'], 'title': itm['title']} if not itm.get('value') and 'kwargs' in itm and 'value' in itm['kwargs']: itm['value'] = itm['kwargs'].pop('value') if 'kwargs' in itm and 'widget' in itm['kwargs']: item_props['widget'] = itm['kwargs'].pop('widget') if form_data: if form_data[itm['name']] and (itm['type'] == 'date' or itm['type'] == 'datetime'): value_to_serialize = datetime.strptime( form_data[itm['name']], itm['format']) else: value_to_serialize = form_data[itm['name']] value = self._serialize_value(value_to_serialize) if itm['type'] == 'button': value = None # if form_data is empty, value will be None, so it is needed to fill the form from model # or leave empty else: # if itm['value'] is not None returns itm['value'] # else itm['default'] if itm['value'] is not None: value = itm['value'] else: value = itm['default'] result["model"][itm['name']] = value if itm['type'] == 'model': item_props['model_name'] = itm['model_name'] if itm['type'] not in ['ListNode', 'model', 'Node']: if 'hidden' in itm['kwargs']: # we're simulating HTML's hidden form fields # by just setting it in "model" dict and bypassing other parts continue else: item_props.update(itm['kwargs']) if itm.get('choices'): self._handle_choices(itm, item_props, result) else: result["form"].append(itm['name']) if 'help_text' in itm: item_props['help_text'] = itm['help_text'] if 'schema' in itm: item_props['schema'] = itm['schema'] # this adds default directives for building # add and list views of linked models if item_props['type'] == 'model': # this control for passing test. # object gets context but do not use it. why is it for? if self.context: if self.context.has_permission("%s.select_list" % item_props['model_name']): item_props.update({ 'list_cmd': 'select_list', 'wf': 'crud', }) if self.context.has_permission("%s.add_edit_form" % item_props['model_name']): item_props.update({ 'add_cmd': 'add_edit_form', 'wf': 'crud', }) else: item_props.update({ 'list_cmd': 'select_list', 'add_cmd': 'add_edit_form', 'wf': 'crud' }) result["schema"]["properties"][itm['name']] = item_props if itm['required']: result["schema"]["required"].append(itm['name']) self._cache_form_details(result) return result
def deserialize(self, form_data, do_validation=True): if form_data and do_validation: form_id = form_data['form_key'] form_details = FormCache(form_id).get() if form_data.keys() != form_details['model']: not_matching = filter(lambda x: x not in form_details['model'], form_data.keys()) if list(not_matching): # Python 3 returns an iterable, consume the filter raise FormValidationError("Form keys not match: %s" % not_matching) self.non_data_fields = form_details['non_data_fields'] return self._deserialize(form_data) def _cache_form_details(self, form): """ Caches some form details to lates process and validate incoming (response) form data Args: form: form dict """ cache = FormCache() form['model']['form_key'] = cache.form_id form['model']['form_name'] = self.__class__.__name__ cache.set( { 'model': list(form['model'].keys()), # In Python 3, dictionary keys are not serializable 'non_data_fields': self.non_data_fields } ) # updating form inplace def _handle_choices(self, itm, item_props, result): # ui expects a different format for select boxes choices_data = self.get_choices(itm.get('choices')) item_props['type'] = 'select' result["form"].append({'key': itm['name'], 'type': 'select', 'title': itm['title'], 'titleMap': choices_data})